If you are a buyer, our goal is not to simply put you in A house. Our goal is to help put you in THE house.
Once you have selected Homeland, LLC Realtors as your REALTOR®, you will want to establish a proper business relationship. You likely know that some REALTORS® represent sellers while others represent buyers. We will explain the options available, describe how we will work with you, and provide you with complete agency disclosures.
We will provide you with information detailing current market conditions, financing options, and negotiating issues that might apply to a given situation. Remember: since market conditions can change and the strategies that apply in one negotiation may be inappropriate in another, this information should not be set in stone. During your time in the marketplace, Homeland, LLC Realtors will keep you updated and alert you to each step in the transaction processWe will provide you with information detailing current market conditions, financing options, and negotiating issues that might apply to a given situation. Remember: since market conditions can change and the strategies that apply in one negotiation may be inappropriate in another, this information should not be set in stone. During your time in the marketplace, Homeland, LLC Realtors will keep you updated and alert you to each step in the transaction process
We can help you determine how much home you can afford. Often we can suggest ways to accrue the down payment and explain alternative financing methods.
In addition to knowing the local money market, we can also tell you what personal and financial data to bring with you when you apply for a loan.
We are already familiar with current real estate values, taxes, utility costs, municipal services and facilities, and may be aware of local zoning changes that could affect your decision to buy.
We can usually research your housing needs in advance through a Multiple Listing Service—even if you are relocating from another city.
We can show you only those homes best suited to your needs—size, style, features, location, accessibility to schools, transportation, shopping, and other personal preferences.
We often can suggest simple, imaginative changes that make a home more suitable for you and improve its utility and value.
We are sensitive to the importance you place on this major commitment you are about to make. Look for a real estate professional to facilitate the negotiation of a win-win agreement that will satisfy both you and the seller.
Deciding on a nearby school to send your children can be as important as deciding on what home. Below is a website to assist you in researching Michigan schools.
(248) 363-6600 (Office) | (248) 431-1388 (Cell) | joeday.homeland@gmail.com
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